Funding for Community Aid St Andrews (CASA) during COVID-19

We are pleased to be able to provide funding for Community Aid St Andrews (CASA) during this difficult time. Our financial support will help the group to ensure food supplies, energy and other essentials can be provided to the most vulnerable members of our community.
Community Aid St Andrews (CASA) was established by members of the St Andrews community to mobilise support for others in response to COVID-19.
They are a community of people who care for each other, especially the most vulnerable among us, and want to do what they can to encourage and support each other during this difficult time.
“The funds provided by the Community Trust were invaluable, particularly in the early days of setting up Community Aid St Andrews. For example, their donation paid for us to set up our website and get leaflets printed for volunteers to deliver. We’re extremely grateful to them for being able to respond so quickly to help our community.” Chris Wallard, one of the co-ordinators of CASA group
To find out more about CASA and the support they have available check out their website www.communityaidstandrews.co.uk