Grand Opening of the Eco Hub

St Andrews Community Trust were delighted to help fund the refurbishment of the new Eco Hub and attend the Grand Opening, by Willie Rennie, on Saturday 25th June.
St Andrews Environmental Network have done a fantastic job establishing the new Eco Hub at 40 Kinnessburn Road, which is now open to the public currently 5 days a week.
The Eco Hub focuses on environmental issues and is base for all of St Andrews Environmental Networks projects. Members from the local community are able to drop in at a time convenient to them as advisors will always be available to give advice, information and support on a full range of environmental issues. The Hub also acts as a drop-off point for StAnd Reuse, a partnership project with Transition University of St Andrews and St Andrews University.
If you want to find out more about the help at the Eco Hub then check out their website http://standrewsenvironmental.org